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Rent Storage

We have 10 x 10 and 10 x 15 unit sizes available in both climate and non-climate controlled to meet your storage needs.

10 x 10

Climate Controlled

Starting at
$102 / month*

Drive-Up (10 x 10)

Non-Climate Controlled

Starting at
$76.50 / month*

Waiting List

10 x 15

Climate Controlled

Starting at
$123.25 / month*

Waiting List

Drive-Up (10 x 15)

Non-Climate Controlled

Starting at
$93.50 / month*

Waiting List

Parking Space (12 x 30)

30 foot and under in length

Starting at
$40 / month

Waiting List

Parking Space (12 x 40)

31-40 foot in length

Starting at
$50 / month

Waiting List

*Prices may reflect a discount from a longer term agreement.